
职  务:

职  称:副教授







1. 2018年获中国睡眠研究会“优秀论文”奖

2. 2018年获第五届西部睡眠医学大会优秀论文二等奖

3. 2017年beplay体育官网网页第四届授课大赛二等奖。





1. Xie JF, Shao YF, Wang HL, Wang, C, Cui GF, Kong XP, Wang LX, Chen YN, Cong CY, Chen HL, Hou YP. Neuropeptide S counteracts paradoxical sleep deprivation-induced anxiety-like behavior and sleep disturbance. Front Cell Neurosci 2018; 12:64.

2. Xie JF, Fan K, Wang, C, Xie P, Hou M, Xin, L, Cui GF, Wang LX, Shao YF, Hou YP. Inactivation of the tuberomammillary nucleus by GABAA receptor agonist promotes slow wave sleep in freely moving rats and histamine-treated rats. Neurochem Res 2017; 42:2314-2325.

3. Shao YF*, Xie JF*, Ren YX, Wang C, Kong XP, Zong XJ, Fan LL, Hou YP. The inhibitory effect of botulinum toxin type A on rat pyloric smooth muscle contractile response to substance P in vitro. Toxins 2015; 7:4143-4156.(*Co-first author)

4. Hou M, Xie JF, Kong XP, Zhang Y, Shao YF, Wang C, Ren WT, Cui GF, Xin L, Hou YP. Acupoint injection of onabotulinumtoxin A for migraines. Toxins 2015; 7:4442-4454.

5. Shao YF, Wang C, Xie JF, Kong XP, Xin L, Dong CY, Li J, Ren WT, Hou YP. Neuropeptide S ameliorates olfactory spatial memory impairment induced by scopolamine and MK801 through activation of cognate receptor-expressing neurons in the subiculum complex. Brain Struct Funct 2016; 221:3327-3336.

6. Kong XP, Wang C, Xie JF, Zhao P, Dai LR, Shao YF, Lin JS, Hou YP. Neuropeptide S reduces propofol- or ketamine- induced slow wave states through activation of cognate receptors in the rats. Neuropeptides 2017; 63:59-66.


1. 侯一平,邵玉峰,赵鹏,李婧,董朝玉,解俊樊,王灿,王海亮,戴丽蓉.一种红外探头,2014.1,中国,ZL 201320481383.X.(实用新型专利)

2. 侯一平,邵玉峰,赵鹏,李婧,董朝玉,解俊樊,王灿,王海亮,戴丽蓉.一种嗅觉测试仪,2015.12.23,中国,ZL 2013 1 0341704.0.(发明专利)


1. “中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金”自由探索项目-新来教师科研启动费项目(lzujbky-2018-25),内源性肽类大麻素VD-HPα及其受体系统对睡眠觉醒的调控作用,2018.01-2019.12。